2019 Installation Corinthian Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1052
Corinthian Lodge of Mark Master Masons No1052 held their Installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street on Thursday 24th October.  Representing the Provincial Grand Master was, WBro John Bicknell, PGJD; Provincial Grand Secretary.
Mike Winterbottom and John Bicknell
The PGM’ Special Representative, WBro Mike Winterbottom, PGSD, was also in attendance.   At the appointed time the lodge was opened by the IPM, WBro Chris Walls, Prov GMO.  When the minutes had been approved and salutations had been completed the Worshipful Master, WBro Jason Hengler arrived after being stuck on the M62. 
John Bicknell and Jason Hengler WM
With the Master in place, WBro Walls was back on his feet and with aplomb proclaimed WBro Hengler Worshipful Master for the following year.  After the new Master had been greeted by the Brethren it was time to appoint and invest officers.   Once the Wardens were in their chairs; Bro Chris Bruffell, Senior Warden and Bro John Bruffell, Junior Warden; WBro Chris Walls showed off his versatility by giving the address to the Wardens.  It was then Dad Wall’s turn WBro Steve Walls, PGSD, who gave the address to the Overseers. 
Got Him! WBro Chris Walls
This was excellently done particularly given he had only found out he was doing when the meeting had started.  As is the custom in West Lancs the honour of addressing the Brethren falls to the PGM’s Representative.  WBro John Bicknell is constantly good with any and all ritual that he does and this address was no exception.   With all the offices appointed, which included WBro Andy Whittle, PAGDC, retaining the role as the lodge’s Royal Ark Mariner ambassador and with the addresses done it was over for another year.   It was now time for WBro Bicknell to jump up and bring the congratulations and thanks of the Provincial Grand Master to WBro Jason Hengler, for agreeing to remain in the chair for another year so that other members of the lodge could catch up.
WBro Steve Walls
After the congratulations had been received the Worshipful Master gave a promissory note to WBro Bicknell for charity.    During the risings many of the members of the lodge as well some of those attending the meeting were congratulated on various promotions.  WBro Mike Winterbottom, on obtaining Grand Rank in the Royal Ark Mariner degree and  WBro Steve Walls who had been promoted to PGSD.  WBro David Anderton had this year received Provincial Grand Rank in RAM and WBro Chris Walls had been promoted to Prov GMO.   During propositions, two new members were proposed for the February meeting.  At the first class festive board, WBro John Bicknell thanked the lodge their generosity toward the charities and promoted the Royal Ark Mariner degree.
It never ends for Secretary Stew Hyde
WBro Bicknell reminded the members that Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Southport on Wednesday 6 May 2020 at that the two new members would be eligible to attend at a discounted rate.   John also kindly promoted the Liverpool Mark Associations Social evening at Hope Street on 25 January 2020.  We wish WBro Jason Hengler and Corinthian Lodge an excellent new season and hope that they are all looking forward to the February meeting.
JW & SW,  John and Chris Bruffell
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.